Palermo Declaration: The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step

The Palermo Declaration has been signed! A letter of intent has been signed between GREENLAND partners (Calabria Region leader beneficiary partner, Arces Collegio Universitario project partner from Sicily, Planning Development Agency project partner from Lebanon), C.I.A.P.I. and Anpal Servizi (the agencies supporting sicilian employment policies), Associazione Organismi di Formazione (ASSOFOR) and the National Employment Office (NEO) of Lebanon.

GREEN-skiLls for a sustAiNable Development

Activities About the project Partnership Library About the project The Mediterranean area suffers from extremely high rates of youth and female unemployment levels. To face this challenge, GREENLAND promotes social inclusion and fight against poverty by providing unskilled and underprivileged young people with marketable skills in the Green and Circular Economy, with the potential to generate thousands of jobs. To […]

“Diseases in Rainbow Trout” were training sessions held in Hermel by HALIEUS to form the team

Considering that the main critical element for the quality of the food production is in the water quality (especially for trout farming it is directly transferred to the quality of the fish flesh), the scope of the RCQU (research and control quality unit) was mainly targeted to the Monitor and Control of the river water quality. The expert from Halieus […]

training workshop for technicians and engineers in Hermel concerning water monitoring tools with CNRS experts

On July 21, 2015 the National Centre for Marine Sciences of the CNRS organized a training whose objectives were as follows: To inform the audience on the different sources of pollution affecting rivers in Lebanon To present methodologies used to assess and evaluate contaminants in fresh and marine waters To practically demonstrate how CNRS its samplings in the field