AFKAR III-PDA 2013-2016


General objective:

Sharing responsibility for a balanced socio-economic development in Lebanon

Specific objective:

The capacity and administrative performance of CSOs and government bodies in Hermel, Baalbeck, and Jroud Byblos improved and networking mechanisms activated to enable them to better support democratic and socio-economic development

Target Groups:

 Local authorities active in Baalbek, Hermel, and Jroud Byblos with focus on 7 unions of municipalities (comprising around 56 municipalities) and 25 active local CSOs

Final beneficiaries:

 Population of Baalbek, Hermel, and Jroud Byblos

Executive summary:

The regional development office was established, through which the technical support is provided to heads and staff excluding municipalities of Jroud Jbeil, participated in capacity building sessions, 17 draft concept notes prepared by the cooperation of PDA and the local organizations as application of training.

As start, 7 LDAs were expected to be included in this project: of Baalbek Hermel were hired and trained with the support of PDA which provide them with daily guidance and coaching, and we tried to cooperate with the heads of municipalities of Jouroud Jbeil to start the same procedure in their region, but without any reaction from their side.

6 committees were formed after contacting each union of municipalities and informing the union about the importance of the selection of the committees’ members, and we insisted on their coming role in the preparation of the strategic planning.  The committees members are trained and periodic meetings are organized under the facilitation of the trained LDAs and 57 committees’ members have been trained. 6 sectorial plans formulated through the support provided to the municipalities and committees.

Achieved Results:

According to the role of the project in promoting the role of civil society organizations and local authorities in management ,and how to adopt the concept of planning in work, and since the project depends on the direct contact with local authorities and CSOs in order to prepare a fact finding and develop the strategic plans. The training for those trainees on process of the strategic planning, derivation of strategic planning from the fact-finding, determination of strengths and weaknesses, drawing of problems tree, had a real outcome; taking into consideration that they need these skills in writing the strategic plans for the targeted unions of municipalities.

– Three existing initiatives become officially registered as legal entities with proper structures (to add level of achievement)   

We established and registered, at the ministry of interior, 3 CSOs as expected, and  two of them got legal status and one is still in discuss at the ministry of interior.

– Skills of 60 CSO staff enhanced through 4 training workshops.                 

74 CSOs staff have been trained on strategic planning and concept note writing.

– Regional development office established          –

Contact has been made with authorities and different actors to announce the establishment of the regional office.

– Local Development Agents (LDAs) hired and trained    

6 LDAs has been hired for the 6 municipalities unions.

–  7 committees formed and trained       

6 committees of local authorities and local CSOs have been formed, and they made meetings in order to prepare studies plans (excluding Jroud Jbeil municipalities union since they didn’t cooperate)

– 14 committees’ members trained         

57 committes members have been trained.


From 1/1/2014 – Till 30/04/2016

  • Planning and Development agency (PDA)
  • National League for Culture and Development (NLCD)