مرحبًا بكم في حركة النهضة التكاملية

 English version مرحبًا بكم في حركة النهضة التكاملية تمثل حركة النهضة التكاملية رؤية معرفية عالمية جديدة تستند إلى المنهج المعرفي التكاملي، الذي يقدم إطارًا شاملاً يجمع بين ملاحظة الحكمة في الوجود والمنهجيات العلمية لفهم الظواهر الإنسانية والطبيعية. يهدف هذا المنهج إلى تقديم نموذج معرفي جديد يُبرز دور الإنسان كفاعل أساسي في تحقيق الغايات الكونية، دون أن يكون محور الوجود. ما […]

Welcome to the Complementarian Renaissance Movement

The Announcement of the Complementarian Renaissance Movement Welcome to the Complementarian Renaissance Movement The Complementarian Renaissance Movement represents a new global epistemological vision based on the Complementarian Epistemological Methodology, offering a comprehensive framework that integrates the observation of wisdom in existence and scientific methodologies to understand human and natural phenomena. This methodology aims to present a new epistemological paradigm that […]

Erasmus+ YE-P Youth E-Participation project is on

We are thrilled to share with you our latest project under the Erasmus+ program – introducing YE-P Youth E-Participation as we step into the new year! International Collaboration: We’re joining hands with incredible partners: NGO IUVENTA (Serbia) BETTER WORLD FOUNDATION BWNGO (Egypt) Planning and Development Agency PDA (Lebanon) Asociatia IDEI (Romania) TDM2000 (Italy) Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy […]


Planning and Development Agency organized the Kick-off meeting of Work Package, NEET profiling and Labor market Analysis, under the framework of the GREENLAND project (Co-funded by ENI CBCMED). The meeting was held successfully by Skype on the fourth of March 2021, started by The senior project manager  Dr. Jalal Mahfouz who launched the discussion at technical and administrative levels, and […]

kick-off meeting of AFKAR III DA project was held on 10/03/2017 in the Trout restaurant on Assi River

 in the presence of actors of both sides of the Assi river, owners of touristic firms and fish farmers, landowners, as well as representatives of the office of the minister of state for administrative reform OMSAR, representatives of union of municipalities, representatives of the Hermel municipality and representatives of the most active CSOs in Hermel region. The meeting has included […]

A Kick-off meeting of AFKAR III DIALOG was held on 28th of May 2014, at Samakat Al Truit Restaurant, Hermel.

Representatives of the partner Halieus, Mr. Gabriele Verginelli, the partner Planning and Development Agency (PDA), and the stakeholders including heads of municipalities, farmers, landowners, and tourist agencies operating in Hermel Kaza and Jroud El-Hermel have attended the KOM of AFKAR III DIALOG. Mr. Gabriele Verginelli from Italy as scientific coordinator from Halieus attended the kick-off meeting representing Halieus and he […]

Kick-off meeting was held for AFKAR III PDA project, in the PDA regional development office, Baalbeck.

Representatives of the office of the minister of state for administrative reform, heads of unions of municipalities, heads of municipalities, representatives of the most active CSOs in Baalbeck-Hermel region, have attended the KOM. After a small power point presentation about PDA, the project was explained as well by Dr. Jalal Mahfouz, its activities, its objectives, its target groups and beneficiaries. […]