Call for applicants to select an expert or an SME to organize training in circular food processing in the “GREENLAND” project.
The deadline for submitting applications is June 5th 2023 at 1pm (Beirut Local time).
GREEN-skiLls for a sustAiNable Development
B_A.3.1_0048 – 010
Planning and Development Agency – PDA, Partner of “GREENLAND” project (co-financed under the ENI-CBC MED 2014-2020 Program) is looking for
An expert in green food processing who will be appointed as a mentor
in “GREENLAND” project.
For more information about GREENLAND project press here, please
This invitation to tender to individuals and SMEs, hereon referred to as the tenderers, to apply for the food processing expert to provide training and mentoring at the following levels:
- 50 trainees on online training
- 24 trainees on lab training
- 10 trainees in 30 days of in-job training
The tenders must include the profile and financial offer.
The task of the food processing Expert appointed by PDA, PP1 of the GREENLAND project, is to provide the following missions:
– Determine training needs, criteria, curricula, and schedule training sessions to train green food quality testing, filling, and packaging.
– Implement two Onsite Lab training classes, each for 12 days, in Hermel-Baalbek.
– Monitor the trainees’ performance and response to their questions in the following three phases: online training (80 trainees) and onsite training (40 trainees) and internship (10 trainees).
– Conduct daily evaluations to identify areas of improvement.
– Keep attendance and other records.
– Prepare exams and evaluations for the online training.
– Prepare a practical exam and evaluation for the onsite training.
– Provide training classrooms in Hermel and Baalbek.
- High experience in green food quality testing, filling and packing with a focus on sustainability.
- Understanding of effective teaching methodologies and tools
- Experience in capacity building.
- Good knowledge of the local market.
- Organizational and time management abilities
- Critical thinking and decision making
Preference will be given to professional SMEs.
The assignment has a duration of 3 months, starting from the date of stipulation.
The Max gross fee, including social security and welfare charges, is Euro 9.000,00.
June 2023
Lebanon, Baalbek-Hermel
The application form (AF) must be drawn up according to the model attached (Attachment A), dated and signed by the candidate (original, scanned, and/or digital signatures are allowed), with attached Curriculum vitae duly signed, detailed financial quotation offer (Attachment B), together with a photocopy of a valid identity document.
The AF, the profile, and the financial offer must be sent by email to the following addresses:
Ms. Hawraa Mahfouz (Project manager): hawraa.mahfouz@pdalebanon.org
The e-mail subject must include “candidate for food processing Expert post – GREENLAND Project”
The deadline for submitting applications is June 5th, 2023 at 1 pm (Beirut Local time). Only candidates with profiles deemed most interesting and meeting the indicated requirements will be invited to take part in the competitive negotiated procedure.
The data that will come into the possession of PDA will be processed pursuant to and for the purposes of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and in compliance with Article 13 and Article 14 of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as to the free movement of such data (general data protection regulation, hereinafter also referred to as “regulation” or “GDPR”) and which repeals Directive 95/46 / EC.