Summary of the Complementarism Project:
Expanded Summary of the Complementarian Project: A Comprehensive Civilizational Vision
1. Fundamental Premises of the Complementarian Project
A. Observation of Formative Wisdom:
- The Complementarian Project is founded on the belief that the universe is organized with wisdom, reflecting its harmony and structure, without delving into metaphysical inquiries.
- Humanity plays a central role in achieving harmony between itself and the world by recognizing its existential rights and responsibilities.
B. Existential Rights:
- Existential rights represent universal principles that enable humanity to fulfill its existential mission.
- These rights include:
- Freedom of Knowledge and Creativity: Empowering individuals to express themselves and achieve their potential.
- Social and Economic Justice: Ensuring fair distribution of resources to maintain balance.
- Right to Free Will: Allowing individuals to make decisions without interference.
- Balance between Individual and Community: Achieving social harmony.
C. Existential Criticism:
- A critical analytical tool rooted in integrative thinking to understand phenomena and reassess intellectual models.
- It focuses on observing wisdom within phenomena rather than merely their surface appearances.
2. The Complementarian Epistemological Methodology
A. Defining the Methodology:
- An epistemological framework that redefines the relationship between humanity and knowledge, integrating:
- Material Knowledge: Relying on observation and experimentation to understand natural laws.
- Observation of Formative Wisdom: Focusing on the order and balance within the universe.
- Existential Criticism: As a tool to analyze the relationship between materiality and meaning.
B. Pillars of the Methodology:
- Observation of Wisdom:
- The universe demonstrates a system of harmony observable without delving into metaphysical debates.
- Integration of Knowledge Sources:
- Respecting the autonomy of reason, revelation, and experience while achieving balance between them.
- Complementarian Rationality:
- Surpassing materialistic methodologies by adding a practical and integrative dimension.
C. Objectives of the Methodology:
- Overcoming limitations in traditional thought.
- Reshaping the humanities to align with existential rights.
- Establishing a universal civilizational language to unify intellectual efforts.
3. The Concept of Complementarian Wisdom
A. Defining Complementarian Wisdom:
- A comprehensive vision combining observation of universal order with human knowledge to guide systems towards balance and justice.
B. Wisdom as a Substitute for Philosophy:
- Wisdom surpasses traditional philosophy by focusing on practical solutions rooted in a realistic understanding of existence.
C. Elements of Complementarian Wisdom:
- Existential Rights.
- Existential Objectives (as functional rather than metaphysical concepts).
- Balance between Individual and Collective.
D. The Importance of Complementarian Wisdom:
- It serves as a practical foundation for developing political, social, and economic systems.
4. Complementarian Models: Society, State, and Economy
A. Complementarian Society:
- A social model that achieves harmony between individuals and communities.
- Culture of Inclusion: Respecting cultural and religious diversity within a framework of shared rights.
- Formative Justice: Ensuring equitable resource management.
- Social Balance: Promoting individual freedom while maintaining collective cohesion.
B. The State of Complementarian Justice:
- A political system that safeguards existential rights.
- Separation of Powers: Ensuring justice and balance.
- Existential Criticism: Guiding legislation to achieve wisdom and harmony.
C. The Complementarian Economy:
- An economic system promoting justice and sustainability.
- Historical Collective Ownership: Natural resources as collective property.
- Economic Justice: Ensuring equitable wealth distribution.
- Sustainability: Protecting the rights of future generations to resources.
5. Foundational Engineering: The Operational Tool of the Complementarian Project
A. Defining Foundational Engineering:
- A practical tool used to design, evaluate, and develop complementarian models.
B. Objectives of Foundational Engineering:
- System Design:
- Establishing institutions that reflect existential values and rights.
- Evaluation and Monitoring:
- Measuring system alignment with the observation of formative wisdom.
- Continuous Development:
- Adapting to evolving human needs.
C. Tools of Foundational Engineering:
- Strategic complementarian planning.
- Modeling and continuous evaluation.
6. Relationship Between the Epistemological Methodology, Wisdom, and Complementarian Models
- The Complementarian Epistemological Methodology directs system development.
- Complementarian Wisdom translates theoretical visions into practical actions.
- Complementarian Models (society, state, and economy) are practical applications of the complementarian vision.
7. Final Objectives of the Complementarian Project
- Achieving Civilizational Balance: Building systems that harmonize humanity and its surroundings.
- Redefining the Human-World Relationship: Through a perspective that enhances humanity’s role in maintaining universal balance.
- Establishing a New Global Civilization: Based on existential rights and existential criticism.
- Ensuring Sustainability: By respecting the rights of future generations and managing resources equitably.
The Complementarian Project offers a comprehensive civilizational vision rooted in:
- Existential Rights: As a universal human and legal framework.
- The Complementarian Epistemological Methodology: As a robust theoretical foundation.
- Complementarian Wisdom: As a practical framework achieving justice and balance.
Through the adoption of Foundational Engineering, the Complementarian Project becomes a practical and realistic model capable of addressing contemporary intellectual and scientific challenges.