January 1, 2015 PDA invited a team of external experts to visit the Fodder factory to study its situation and the best way to develop it. Lynn Masri AFKAR III-DA I 2013-2016
December 25, 2014 European TG1 CABURERA passing Christmas day with children in Bekaa Lynn Masri ENPI- CABURERA 2013-2016
December 24, 2014 European TG1 CABURERA visited the Lebanese center for cultural development association Lynn Masri ENPI- CABURERA 2013-2016
December 24, 2014 A meeting was held to develop the strategic plan for the North Baalbek Union and the Shalal Union, in PDA regional development office, Baalbeck. Lynn Masri AFKAR III-PDA 2013-2016
December 21, 2014 A training workshop about “the effects of sewage on the river” was held in trout restaurant-Hermel in participation of 25 owners of touristic organizations. Lynn Masri AFKAR III-DA I 2013-2016
December 19, 2014 European TG1 CABURERA in Taria to meet Al Mawasem Association and talk about the region’s needs and problems Lynn Masri ENPI- CABURERA 2013-2016
December 18, 2014 Arabic training courses for the European TG1 of CABURERA Lynn Masri ENPI- CABURERA 2013-2016
December 17, 2014 Arabic training courses for the European TG1 of CABURERA Lynn Masri ENPI- CABURERA 2013-2016
December 14, 2014 The committees of Al Shallal municipalities held a meeting to discuss the sectoral plan Lynn Masri AFKAR III-PDA 2013-2016 1 sec read
December 12, 2014 European TG1 CABURERA visited the municipality of Khraibeh to discuss the problems of the area Lynn Masri ENPI- CABURERA 2013-2016