مرحبًا بكم في حركة النهضة التكاملية

 English version مرحبًا بكم في حركة النهضة التكاملية تمثل حركة النهضة التكاملية رؤية معرفية عالمية جديدة تستند إلى المنهج المعرفي التكاملي، الذي يقدم إطارًا شاملاً يجمع بين ملاحظة الحكمة في الوجود والمنهجيات العلمية لفهم الظواهر الإنسانية والطبيعية. يهدف هذا المنهج إلى تقديم نموذج معرفي جديد يُبرز دور الإنسان كفاعل أساسي في تحقيق الغايات الكونية، دون أن يكون محور الوجود. ما […]

Welcome to the Complementarian Renaissance Movement

The Announcement of the Complementarian Renaissance Movement Welcome to the Complementarian Renaissance Movement The Complementarian Renaissance Movement represents a new global epistemological vision based on the Complementarian Epistemological Methodology, offering a comprehensive framework that integrates the observation of wisdom in existence and scientific methodologies to understand human and natural phenomena. This methodology aims to present a new epistemological paradigm that […]

Youth E-Participation

Activities About the project Partnership Library About the project Young people all over the world are becoming more connected, using the internet and digital tools to build communities, interact with others who share their interests, advocate, express resistance, organize events, and secure funding for causes they care about, claiming space and agency in their societies and adopting new forms of […]

Rural Youth Training Activities

Activities About the project Partnership Library About the project The research agenda on the participation of rural youth in democratic life and their active engagement in society is vast. Based on the latest EU reports on youth political participation, almost 3 to 10 declared that they are motivated or interested in participating in commons. Those data also indicate that there […]

GREEN-skiLls for a sustAiNable Development

Activities About the project Partnership Library About the project The Mediterranean area suffers from extremely high rates of youth and female unemployment levels. To face this challenge, GREENLAND promotes social inclusion and fight against poverty by providing unskilled and underprivileged young people with marketable skills in the Green and Circular Economy, with the potential to generate thousands of jobs. To […]


Activities About the project Partnership Library About the project General objective: Creating a new economic dynamism for Hermel Target Groups: Farmers, land-owners and tourist agencies operating in Hermel Kaza and Jroud El-Hermel. Final beneficiaries: Residents of Hermel Kaza, and jroud El-Hermel, estimated at 72,000 persons. Expected Results: To establish and operate a Research and Quality Control Unit in Hermel to […]


Activities About the project Partnership Library About the project  Although the Mediterranean territories have many cultural and economic similarities, there is a gap in the mobility of students and professionals compared to other areas of the world with less comparable features. The gap is even wider when looking at the intensity of mobility of young people within European Union. Specific […]


Activities About the project Partnership Library About the project General objective: Sharing responsibility for a balanced socio-economic development in Lebanon Specific objective: The capacity and administrative performance of CSOs and government bodies in Hermel, Baalbeck, and Jroud Byblos improved and networking mechanisms activated to enable them to better support democratic and socio-economic development Target Groups:  Local authorities active in Baalbek, […]


Activities About the project Partnership Library About the project CaBuReRa is an ENPI CBC MED 2-year project promoting the collaboration among Mediterranean territories. It aims at contributing to reduce youth unemployment by o­ering mobility opportunities for the professional development of young people. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: CaBuReRa aims to promote collaboration among Mediterranean region through mobility and professional development of 90 young […]