A Kick-off meeting of AFKAR III DIALOG was held on 28th of May 2014, at Samakat Al Truit Restaurant, Hermel.

Representatives of the partner Halieus, Mr. Gabriele Verginelli, the partner Planning and Development Agency (PDA), and the stakeholders including heads of municipalities, farmers, landowners, and tourist agencies operating in Hermel Kaza and Jroud El-Hermel have attended the KOM of AFKAR III DIALOG. Mr. Gabriele Verginelli from Italy as scientific coordinator from Halieus attended the kick-off meeting representing Halieus and he […]

Kick-off meeting was held for AFKAR III PDA project, in the PDA regional development office, Baalbeck.

Representatives of the office of the minister of state for administrative reform, heads of unions of municipalities, heads of municipalities, representatives of the most active CSOs in Baalbeck-Hermel region, have attended the KOM. After a small power point presentation about PDA, the project was explained as well by Dr. Jalal Mahfouz, its activities, its objectives, its target groups and beneficiaries. […]


Activities About the project Partnership Library About the project General objective: Creating a new economic dynamism for Hermel Target Groups: Farmers, land-owners and tourist agencies operating in Hermel Kaza and Jroud El-Hermel. Final beneficiaries: Residents of Hermel Kaza, and jroud El-Hermel, estimated at 72,000 persons. Expected Results: To establish and operate a Research and Quality Control Unit in Hermel to […]